We all know it : a mobile Internet boom is taking place right now in Africa. As a result, numerous developers have decided to contribute to the movement, by creating original and practical Apps specifically tailored to our market. Here is the best of them, according to Inspire Afrika Magazine!

– M-Farm (Kenya)

This Kenyan application gives up-to-date market information to farmers, linking them with their potential buyers. By sending an SMS to 3535, they can easily obtain the weather of the day, find market prices for their crops, buy their farm inputs directly from manufacturers at a preferred price, find buyers, etc. The initiative is very smart, as we know that local farmers are usually ripped off by international market laws !

– Arclean (Senegal)

Here is a “new way to go clean”! Developed by Dadja Bassou (a togolese IT Specialist born in Senegal), Arclean enables the user to find trash cans in the city. The “game” creates a giant “trash map”, helping inhabitants to point out areas which lack salubrity.

– Ref Unite Plus

The application gets it’s name from Refugees United, an NGO which works on finding family members who have been separated because of war conflicts. After having created a profile, the user can log on and find the names of his family members or friends in the NGO’s database. The app is free, and accessible to all refugees.

– mPedigree (Ghana)

Developed in Ghana, (and will soon be available in Niger, Tanzania and Uganda), mPedigree’s aims to secure pharmaceutical products against counterfeiting, faking and diversion. As a result, the App is able to help customers determine if their medications are authentic or not. To do so, the user needs to scratch the medecine’s verification strip off first. He will discover a serie  of numbers, which can be sent by sms to mPedigree. The application will alert them on the validity of the medication.

Afrinolly (Nigeria)

Film lovers, this is your gold mine! Launched in 2011, Afrinolly allows users to watch any movie, trailer or short film produced on the african movie market, especially produced by Nollywood. You can also watch african music videos, some Bollywood movies and read the latest news and gossip about celebrities and showbusiness in Africa. 

Olalashe Emergency SOS

“Olalashe” means “brother” in Maasai. Developed on Android, it helps people caught up in an emergency. With Olalashe, the user can create a list of ICE (In Case of Emergency) contacts in his phone book. So, in case of emergency, the app sends an SOS message to that updated list, with your exact location.

So, do you guys know another awesome African Mobile Apps?

Images : Courtesy of Google Images.

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