The Fest gurus is a dynamic television show hosted by two young Africans passionate about their motherland. The aim of the show is to encourage Africans and people in the Diaspora to attend festivals. This is because of all the fashion, life, culture, music, food… – the list is endless! – found at festivals.  

The hosts, Lorraine-Charlotte Bgoya (Lo) and Mazuba Kapambwe (Maz) make an amazing team! You can’t help but wish you were with them at the festival! Not only are they fun to watch but they educate you along the way as well. In their most recent video they par-took in a njembe drums workshop at one of the festivals in Zimbabwe. I’m not going to spoil it for you and tell you too much about what happens but I was very entertained! It was a clear indication that they know their stuff in terms of traditions; they give a background on the meaning of the drum in addition to learning how to play it.

The whole theme shines a positive light on Africa! How can anyone not love it? Personally it makes me proud to be African! One thing that particularly stood out for me was the music. Throughout the show the music in the background is so unique and I even started googling lyrics. It increases the visibility of talented African musicians in such a unique, genuine way. The overall production is amazing; it left me speechless! I wish I could put it in way that fully described how it made me feel, but honestly there are just no words.

All I can say is I cannot wait to see the next festival video!! 
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