TEDxEuston started the year extremely high. Their first event of 2014 featured the Minister of Finance from Nigeria dissecting the sources and effects of corruption; not only in Nigeria but on the continent as a whole.

Corruption has become almost synonymous with Africa, some even saying that the two are inseparable. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala urges young Africans not to use corruption as a weapon against their enemies or opponents. She points out this makes corruption seem like it is a lot less serious than it actually is. 

Additionally, she talks about one of the ignored sources of corruption, campaign financing. As Africans, we demand democracy which requires campaigns, but more often than not we don’t question or realize how these billion-dollar campaigns are financed.
But don’t let me spoil it for you; take a look at an amazing African inspiring other Africans. I promise you it’ll be worth your while.

Photo Credits: Wikipedia 
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